This tut was written February 23th, 2021 for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of Melissa Dawn
The tube is called "14-2"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this tube at CDO store HERE
Font of choice, I used Nightingale
Drop shadow is V 0 H -5, 50, 13, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new image 800 x 800 or a size you prefer, can always resize later,
fill with white.
Select all, new layer, paste paper 13 into selections, apply your mask, delete,
merge group.
Resize cluster frame to 40%, paste click inside with your magic wand, expand
by 5, resize paper 15 to 22%, paste, invert, delete, move below the frame.
Drop shadow as you go along.
Resize flower 12 to 10%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, change the
first 3 numbers to 18, 47, 47 paste below the cluster frame.
Paste your tube on the cluster frame.
Resize the Bless your home sign to 13%, free rotate to the left at 20 degrees,
paste below the tube layer to the left and up.
Resize the pitcher with the blueberries to 13%, paste at the lower left.
Resize the flower cluster to 35%, paste at the bottom above the pitcher.
Resize the clock to 12%, paste at the bottom below the flower, duplicate the
flower, move to the right below the clock.
Resize the Vine 1 to 15%, paste on the left above the bless our home sign.
Resize the peels to 15%, paste on the lower right below the flower, duplicate,
mirror, move down under the pitcher of berries on the left.
Resize the tote sack to 20%, paste on the right below the peels.
Resize bow 1 to 7%, paste on the sign.
Resize the bowls to 7%, paste behind the pitcher of berries.
Resize bow 8 to 12%, mirror, paste on the handle of the pitcher.
Resize the butterfly to 4%, free rotate to the right at 20 degrees, paste on the
left, duplicate, mirror, move up on the right.
Resize ribbon 5 to 35%, paste at the bottom to the left above the mask layer,
duplicate, mirror.
Duplicate the right ribbon, move to the top and over to the left, duplicate
the lower left ribbon, move it to the upper right.
Resize leaves 6 to 10%, paste above the tube by the cup part, duplicate two or
three times and move how you like.
Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
merge your tag, resize.
I then used the xero filter-Clarity instead of sharpening.
Crop your tag to make sure no shadows or anything on the edges
Crop your tag to make sure no shadows or anything on the edges
Then add your copyright and name.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.