This tut was written March 18th, 2021 for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of Misticheskaya
The tube is called "Ann"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this tube at PFD store HERE
Font of choice, I used La Beauties
Drop shadow is V 1 H 4, 40, 15, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new image 800 x 800 or a size you prefer, can always resize later.
Paste paper 11, apply your mask, delete, merge group, duplicate, mirror, duplicate, flip,
move down on the left.
Duplicate the first mask, take your Pick Tool, hold the shift key and drag down on
of the top squares and then the other until as flat as you like, move to the bottom.
Paste element 8, apply xero filter-Artwork, change the first number to 30.
Paste element 69 on the mask layer on the right, duplicate, mirror, adjust more
Resize element 5 to 50%, paste at the upper right above the basket of flowers,
duplicate, mirror, move down more.
Resize element 35 to 75%, paste on the right and down, duplicate, mirror, move
up on the left.
Paste element 28 on the left below the large pink flower, duplicate, move
to the center above the large pink flowers, duplicate, mirror, move on the right
below the large pink flower. Erase any stems at the bottom showing.
I didn't add a drop shadow on these.
Resize element 51 to 85%, paste being on the top layer center.
Resize your tube to 30%, paste.
Resize element 81 to 60%, paste on the right below the flowers toward the bottom,
duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 12 to 20%, paste below the tube on the right, duplicate, move
above the tube by her foot.
Resize element 79 to 20%, paste below the flower by her foot, duplicate, move
to the left below the tube layer, duplicate, mirror, adjust on the right.
Resize element 51 to 25%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer, duplicate,
move to the right, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 65 to 30%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Resize element 19 to 25%, paste on the right below the small pink flowers.
Resize element 11 to 20%, paste at the lower right being on the top layer again.
Resize element 10 to 20%, mirror, paste on the left.
Resize element 36, 37 and 53 to 15%, paste at the bottom.
Resize element 83 to 10%, paste at the bottom by the cupcakes.
Resize element 88 to 20%, paste at the bottom to the right above the little gnome,
duplicate, mirror, free rotate to the left at 25 degrees, move by the cupcakes.
I use wordart element 34, resized to 50%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Use wordart of choice.
Resize element 30 to 15%, paste on the left, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 66 to 30%, paste on one side below some flowers, duplicate, mirror.
Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
merge your tag, resize, sharpen.
Then add your copyright and name.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.
Here is a tag done by Fallingwater aka Lavada, love it thank you.