Open a new image 800 x 800 or a size you prefer.
Paste paper 25, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Select your mask, select all, float, defloat, mirror your tube, paste on the right on
the mask, invert, delete, select none.
Duplicate the tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 5, change the blend
mode to Screen.
Merge the two tubes and mask together.
Resize element 38 to 65%, paste on the left below the mask layer, erase any part
showing thru the face area.
Duplicate the mask, mirror, move to the left below the frame.
Resize your tube to 40%, paste on the left being on the top layer.
Resize element 70 to 45%, paste on the right below the tube, duplicate, move to the
left below the tube, no not mirror.
Resize element 11 to 50%, paste below the flowers behind the tube.
Resize element 50 to 30%, paste at the lower left above the tube.
Resize element 17 to 25%, paste by the flowers.
Resize element 43 to 20%, paste at the bottom above the flowers at the right,
duplicate, move to the left below the tube.
Resize element 22 to 20%, paste at the lower left below the flowers in basket.
Resize element 36 to 20%, duplicate 3 times, move below the frame on the left and
move each one up a bit, duplicate the last one on top, free rotate to the right at 90
degrees, duplicate two more times and move across the top.
Go back to the bottles, duplicate, move to the top layer, resize to 50%, move to the lower
left below the heart layer.
Resize element 41 to 25%, paste at the lower right below the top flower.
Resize element 113 to 25%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Resize element 45 to 15%, duplicate, paste at the bottom by the flower.
Paste element 119 at the bottom.
Free rotate 117 to 90 degrees right, paste above the mask on the left,
duplicate, mirror.