Thursday, January 27, 2022

PTU Sweet Valentine


 This tut was written January 26th, 2022  for those with a basic knowledge of psp.

I am using the awesome artwork by  © Keith Garvey
The tube is "322-1 "
I bought mine when he still had his store but it is closed now.
The tube was called Pretty Girl then
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this tube at CDO store HERE 

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
PTU Precious Pink by Artistic Studio HERE or HERE
Mask of choice, I used DD_Valentine 21_1 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE

Font of choice, I used Alif Script

Drop shadow is V-1 H-4 50, 10, color a medium gray or use what you prefer.
Be sure to watch for shadows at the edges of your tag and erase as you go along or
crop tag.

Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800 or a size you prefer.
Resize paper 20 to 90%, paste, resize your mask to 90%, apply the mask,
 delete, merge group.

Paste element 135, free rotate 90 degrees left or right.
Resize element 140 to 75%, paste, click inside with your magic wand, expand
by 5, paste paper 3, invert, delete, select none.
Paste element 123 above the frame and up a little.

Resize your tube to 75%, paste above the frame.
I used the middle tube for this.

Resize element 1 to 40%, paste at the lower left above the tube.
Resize element 52 to 40%, paste behind the dog.
Resize element 89 to 40%, paste on the frame on the right below the hearts
layer and move up a little, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 97 to 50%, paste at the lower left above the dog, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 19 to 25%, paste at the bottom below the flowers.

Resize element 92 to 40%, paste at the bottom below the flowers.
Resize element 10 to 50%, paste at the bottom left below the tube layer, duplicate,
Paste element 21 at the bottom on the flowers.
Resize element 17 to 25%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.

Resize element 91 to 25%, paste below the cup to the left, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 114 to 40%, paste on the left below the flowers, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 11 to 25%, paste at the lower left below the smaller flower.
Resize element 12 to 30%, paste below the cup and flowers at the bottom.
Resize element 6 to 25%, paste at the bottom above the pillow.

Flip element 59, paste at the bottom below the flowers how you like.
Resize element 61 to 50%, paste below the top flowers on the right.
Resize element 8 to 15%, paste at the lower right, duplicate, move over a little.
Resize element 24 to 20%, paste on the books.
Resize element 14 to 25%, paste on the right below the book layer.
Resize element 127 to 75%, paste on the left, being on the top layer,
duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 15 to 20%, mirror, paste at the upper right.
Resize element 125 to 75%, mirror, paste at the upper right below the tube.

Add any other elements you would like, make it your own.
Always remember to adjust the elements before merging to get them like you like.

Once happy with your tag, close off any background, crop your tag to make
sure there are no stray edges, merge visible, resize first.
Add your copyrights and name.

That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.    

Friday, January 21, 2022

FTU Heaven Sent

This tut was written January 21st, 2022 for those with a basic knowledge of psp. 

I am using the awesome artwork of Ellie Milk
The tube is "Matilda"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this art at PFD Store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
FTU kit Heaven Sent by Miz Teeques HERE
Miz Teeques Mask 360 HERE 
Check out the rest of the Blog HERE
Mask 18 by Viviennes Digital Tagging (Scroll Down) HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE

Font of choice, I used Love Fairy

Drop shadow is V -1 H -4, 50, 10, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800, paste paper 10, apply mask 18, delete, merge group.
Resize mask larger to 115%.

Paste paper 10 again, close off the first mask for now, apply mask 360, move
to the right a bit, duplicate, mirror.
Open the other mask now and adjust all the mask to your liking.
(You might want to wait until the last to do this part to adjust them better)

Resize your tube to 75%, mirror, paste a little off center to the right, apply mask 360,
delete, select none.
 (You might have to play around to get the tube in the right place to apply the mask)
Duplicate the tube, go to Adjust, Blur Gaussian blur, number on 5, 
change the blend mode to Screen.
On the bottom tube, go to Effects, Artistic Effects and apply Posterize, number
on 5, merge the tubes together. Erase the bottom part once all elements are on.

Resize your tube to 35%, paste on the left.

Resize element 12 to 30%, paste at the lower right below the tube.
Resize element 5 to 30%, paste on the right behind the other gifts, duplicate,
Paste element 43 above the masked tube and move down, erase the trunk of
the tree showing at the bottom.
Resize element 24 to 75%. paste below the tube on the mask at the top right.
Paste element 35 below the white flowers where you like, duplicating once or twice.

Resize element 56 to 25%, paste at the bottom left, being on the top layer.
Resize element 2 to 35%, paste at the bottom.
Resize element 64 to 20%, paste on top of the gift box on the right, duplicate, move
down to the bottom.
Resize element 104 to 10%, paste at the bottom by the donuts.

Resize element 74 to 30%, paste at the bottom below the donut.
Resize element 27 to 20%, paste at the lower right below the book, duplicate,
move over a little.
Resize element 65 to 25%, paste at the bottom above the cupcake.
Resize element 67 to 25%, paste below the donuts at the bottom behind the glasses.
Resize element 87 to 15%, paste on the champagne glass, duplicate, move to the 
other glass.
Resize element 69 to 25%, paste at the lower right above the book, duplicate,
move to the upper left above the mask layer.
Resize element 36 to 75%, paste on the mask layer.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, resize, sharpen.

Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.     

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Exclusive Loved Forever at TTL

 This tut was written January 19th, 2022 for those with a basic knowledge of psp. 

I am using the awesome artwork of Zlata_M
The tube is "I Love you Babe"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this art at Zlata_M  Store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
Exclusive kit Loved Forever at The Tagger's Lounge HERE
You can earn this kit by getting Loot for challenges etc.
SC Mask 30 HERE 
Check out the rest of the Blog HERE
Mura Meister Copies-Encircle

Font of choice, I used Lovey Dovey

Drop shadow is V -1 H -4, 50, 10, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800, paste paper 53, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Resize smaller to 905.

Resize element 42 to 25%, paste click inside with your magic wand, expand
by 5, paste paper 51, move where you like, invert, delete, select none.
Resize element 21 to 35%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle first three numbers
on 26, 40, 45,
 paste below the paper layer of the frame on the left, duplicate, mirror.
Duplicate, move down and below the other circles, duplicate, mirror, adjust.

Paste element 22, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, changing the first three
numbers to 
26, 36, 42
move below the flower layers on the left, duplicate, move above the flower layer
on the right.

Resize your tube to 45%, paste above the frame.

Paste element 22 at the bottom above the tube, duplicate, move below the tube on
the left, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 14 to 40%, paste at the lower right above the tube.
Resize element 13 to 55%, paste on the lower left below the flower.
Resize element 39 to 25%, free rotate to the right at 40 degrees, paste on the glass stem.

Paste element 8 on the frame layer on the left, duplicate, mirror, move down.
Resize element 45 to 40%, paste below the flower behind the glass.
Resize element 26 to 50%, mirror, paste at the lower right above the red heart box.
Resize element 37 to 50%, paste on the the right above the balloons, duplicate, mirror, paste
above the balloons on the left.

Resize element 9 to 50%, paste at the bottom below the flower.
Resize element 29 to 25%, paste at the lower left, being on the top layer.
Mirror element 11, paste on the lower right below the flower behind the tube.
Resize element 6 to 50%, paste on the lower left below the box.
Resize element 36 to 25%, paste at the lower right, duplicate, mirror.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, resize, sharpen.

Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.    

Monday, January 17, 2022

PTU I Love You


This tut was written January 17th, 2022 for those with a basic knowledge of psp. 

I am using the awesome artwork of Verymany
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
Tube is Present 2 and it is a free tube but you still need to use your license
You can find the tube at Verymany Store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
PTU kit Mother's Joy by LaReina Designz 
Great Mother' Day kit but I made it more for a Valentine type tag
Mask of choice, I used SC Mask 30 HERE
Check out the rest of the Blog HERE
Mura Meister Copies-Encircle
Screen Works-Point Array

Font of choice, I used La Beauties

Drop shadow is V -1 H -4, 50, 10, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800, paste paper 5, apply your mask, delete, merge group,
resize to 90%.

Resize frame 4 to 85%, paste, click inside with the magic wand, expand by 2, 
paste your tube inside the frame, invert, delete, select none.
Duplicate your tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 5,
change the blend mode to Soft Light or one you prefer.
Apply Screen Works Filter-Point Array

No paper in frame so some of the green leaves can show behind the tube.
Be sure to watch for shadows at the bottom of your tag, erase.

Resize element 34 to 30%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle first 
three numbers on 20, 60, 55, move below the frame layer.

Resize element 9 to 50%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle first 
three numbers on 20, 45, 40, move below the flower circle.
Resize element 33 to 40%, flip, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle first 
three numbers on 30, 60, 55, move to the mask layer, duplicate, mirror, merge down.

Resize your tube to 45%, mirror, paste on the right above the frame.

Resize element 34 to 30%, paste at the bottom below the tube.
Resize element 14 to 40%, paste at the lower right above the tube.
Resize element 13 to 50%, mirror, paste at the bottom above the tube and candle.

Resize element 1 to 50%, paste at the lower right behind the tube, duplicate, mirror, 
adjust behind the clock, duplicate, move more to the center, erase any showing below
the large flower.
Resize element 34 to 75%, mirror, paste at the lower left on the frame, take your free 
hand took, draw around the stem and some of the leaves, delete, free rotate to the left
at 15 degrees.

Resize element 32 to 40%, paste behind the flower on the left.
Resize element 2 to 15%, paste at the bottom below the dog layer.
Resize element 16 to 10%, paste at the bottom.
Resize element 10to 60%, paste on the left behind the clock, duplicate, mirror,
adjust behind the tube so just the flowers shows.
Mirror element 47, paste below the tube layer, erase any parts you don't want.
Resize element 42 to 50%, paste at the lower left below the cookies layer.

Resize element 35 to 75%, paste at the bottom left above the mask layer,
duplicate, mirror, duplicate, flip, duplicate, mirror.
If you want the wordart, take your free hand tool draw around I love you,
copy and paste and add a white background.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, resize, sharpen.

Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.   

Saturday, January 15, 2022

FTU Love


This tut was written January 15th, 2022 for those with a basic knowledge of psp. 

I am using the awesome artwork of Anna Liwanag
The tube is "131-1"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this art at CDO Store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
FTU kit Sweet Christine by Kizzed by Kelz HERE
Miz Teeques Mask 354 HERE 
Check out the rest of the Blog HERE
Screen Works-Dot Screen

Font of choice, I used Glamour Line

Drop shadow is V -1 H -4, 50, 10, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800, paste paper 4, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Resize larger to 115.

Paste element 3, mirror, free rotate to the right at 15, click inside with your magic wand, 
expand by 5, paste paper of choice, invert, delete, keep selected, paste your tube,
delete, select none.
Change the blend mode to Overlay or one you prefer.
Duplicate, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 5, 
apply Screen Works-Dot Screen, merge down.

Resize your tube to 45%, mirror, paste on the left above the frame, this will make 
it easier to place the flowers.
Duplicate the tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 5, change 
the blend mode to Soft Light, merge down.

Resize element 64 to 75%, paste at the upper left, above the frame, 
duplicate, move down more, duplicate, move above the tube at the lower left.
Go back to the flower before this one, duplicate, mirror, duplicate, move down more.
Duplicate this last flower, free rotate to the left at 45 degrees, move to the mask 
layer and adjust how you like, duplicate this one, free rotate to the left at 90 degrees, 
move to the top.

Resize element 56 to 75%, paste at the bottom above the tube layer.
Paste element 69 at the lower right being on the top layer.
Paste element 42 behind the heart, adjust to fit.
Paste element 21 above the heart.
Element 37, take your free hand tool, draw around the hanging heart, resize to
90%, paste on the heart.

Resize element 44 to 30%, paste at the bottom by the heart.
Resize element 7 to 50%, paste at the lower left, add a white background.
Paste element 52 on the left above the tube layer, duplicate, move to the top below
the tube layer, erase the ones you don't want. 
Duplicate more if you like and place where you like.
Paste element 22 on the flowers behind the tube how you like.

Element 55, duplicate two or three times or so and place where you like.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, resize, sharpen.

Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.