Wednesday, August 16, 2023

FTU Lose Yourself in the Music

 This tut was written August 16th, 2023 for those with a basic knowledge of psp.

I am using the awesome artwork of ©The Paper Shelter
The tube is called Let's Get Loud
You can find this tube at The Paper Shelter Store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
FTU Scrap Hot Music by Designs by LK HERE  
Check out the rest of the blog  HERE
Mask of choice, I used Miz Teeques Mask 87 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE
Millie's PSP Madness Template  618 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE

Font of choice I used Back Street

Drop shadow is V -2 H -4, 50, 10, Black or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open the template, hold the Shift key and hit d to duplicate, close
the original.
Delete the credits and the dotted line around the words.
Close off the wordart for now.

Go to Image, Canvas size, 800 x 800.
Paste paper 6 above the white layer and apply your mask.

Layer 1 and layer 5, select all, float, defloat, new layer, add a paper or pattern of choice, 
I used one in my psp program called Abstract 4, sized it smaller to 50%, 
add a fat white gradient glow using Eye Candy 4000.

 Layer 2 of the template, select all, float, defloat, new layer,
paste a paper or choose a color from your tube, I used #3ca690, delete the
template layer on each one as you go along.
Go to Effects, Texture Effects, Weave with these numbers 
6, 6, 40, gap color white, weave color I used #9adacd.
Add a fat white gradient glow using Eye Candy 4000.

Layer 3 add paper 1, add the same gradient glow.

Layer 4, paste paper 4, keep selected, resize the tube to 75%, paste to the left,
delete, select none.
Add the xero filter-Porcelain.

Resize your tube to 30%, paste on the top circle.

Paste the drum set behind the tube.
Resize the electric guitar to 65%, paste on the right above the tube layer.
Resize the vinyl box to 45%, paste at the bottom by the guitar.
Resize the keyboard to 70%, paste at the bottom.
Resize the martini to 60%, paste at the bottom left.
Resize the microphone to 40%, paste at the bottom.
Resize the pink ipod to 25%, paste at the bottom.
Resize the headphone to 30%, paste at the bottom right.

Resize music notes 3 to 50%, duplicate a few times and place where you like.
Paste the disco ball on the upper right above the green layer.
Resize the boot to 50%, duplicate, paste at the bottom left.
Resize the sunglasses to 50%, paste at the bottom.
Open the wordart, leave white or change the color and add a fat gradient glow.
Resize the arrow to 50%, paste on the upper right, duplicate, mirror, paste on the left.
Paste the wire on the mask layer on the left, duplicate, move to the right.

Add any other elements you would like, make it your own.
Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.   


  1. What a great tut ! Thank you so much Shaz, love it, can't wait to try it, just wanted to tell you the link to the kit, you had linked to another blog (MTA), but I'm glad you had the owner of the kit linked to " see the rest of her blog" So I could find it.
    so the kit is HERE :
    Thanks again for the tut, hugs , Betsy E.

  2. Thank you Betsy E. for letting me know, the link is fixed now...glad you like the tut also :) Have fun
