Sunday, September 29, 2024

FTU Courageous Hearts


This tut was written September 29th, 2024 for those with a basic knowledge of psp.

Al tube and kit generated by Midnight Shadow Dezinez
This is a free mini kit, tube include

I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
FTU mini kit Courageous Hearts by Midnight Shadow Dezinez HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE
Millie's PSP Madness Template 368 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE
Mask of choice, I used Miz Teeques Mask 234 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE
Mura Meister Copies-Encircle
Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow

Font of choice,  I used  With Rose

Drop shadow is  V-1 H-4 Black, 40, 10, use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open the template, hold the shift key and hit the letter d to duplicate,
close the original, delete the credits.
Go to Image, Canvas size, 800 x 800

Merge layer 1 and 2 together, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 4,
move where you like, invert, delete, select none.
Add a fat white gradient glow.
Delete the template layer as you go along on each one.

Merge layer 3 and 4 together, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 2,
move where you like, invert, delete, select none.
Add a fat white gradient glow.

Select layer 5, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 4, invert delete,
Add a fat white gradient glow.

Select layer 8, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 2, invert, delete,
keep selected, mirror your tube, paste, delete, select none.
Change the blend mode to Hard Light.

Merge layers 9 and 10 together, add noise at 50%.

Merge layers 11 and 12 together, paste paper 4, move to the lighter part,
invert, delete, keep selected, paste your tube in both, delete, select none.
Change the blend mode to Overlay.

Select layer 13, select all, float, defloat, paste paper 1, invert, keep selected,
paste your tube how you like, delete, select none.

Move layers 6 and 7 to the top layer, add noise at 50%.

Resize element 14 to 25%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, first 
3 numbers on 18, 50, 50, paste below the large circle, duplicate, resize
to 85%, move to the bottom layer to the left behind the smaller
circle, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 4 to 35%, paste at the bottom.
Resize element 14 to 25%, paste at the bottom above the candle.
Resize element 13 to 30%, paste at the bottom to the left of the box,
duplicate the box and move to the left of the dog.
Resize element 10 to 30%, paste on the bottom right of the box,
duplicate the box, mirror, move to the right of the bear.

Resize element 12 to 20%, paste at the bottom right.
Resize element 3 to 25%, paste on the right below the cup.
Resize element 15 to 30%, paste on the right below the clock.
Resize element 9 to 30%, paste on the bottom left.
Resize element 11 to 25%, paste at the bottom left.
Resize element 5 to 30%, paste on the left above the small tube.
Resize element 8 to 20%, paste at the bottom.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, sharpen once.
Crop your tag to make sure no shadows or anything on the edges

 Then add your copyright and name.

That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.  

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