Sunday, September 22, 2024

PTU Country Pumpkin


This tut was written September 21st, 2024 for those with a basic knowledge of psp. 

I am using the beautiful tube by © Trinita

Tube is called Arina
You need a license to use this tube, please do not use without a license
You can find this tube at VMA HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
PTU Scrap Country Pumpkin by Doodle by Design  HERE
You can find all Doodle by Design kits  HERE
Mask of choice, I used Miz Teeques Mask 40 HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE

Font of choice, I used Legends

Drop shadow as you go is V -2 H 4, 50, 10, or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

Open a new image 800 x 800, paste paper 28, apply your mask.

Resize element 59 to 75%, paste on the right.
Resize element 75 to 90%, paste on the upper left below the building.
Paste element 83 on the bottom layer at the top.

Resize your tube to 40%, paste to the left.

Resize element 6 to 55%, paste on the left behind the tube.
Resize element 74 to 40%, paste on the right above the buffalos, duplicate,
mirror, move behind the horse.
Resize element 1 to 40%, paste at the bottom above the tube.
Resize element 62 to 30%, paste at the bottom below the calf.
Resize element 4 to 35%, mirror, paste at the bottom left below the tube.
Resize element 53 to 25%, paste at the bottom left above the tube.
Resize element 15 to 40%, paste below the tube.
Resize element 10 to 35%, paste to the right below the cactus flower.

Resize element 71 to 35%, paste at the bottom above the wheel.
Resize element 96 to 30%, paste below the wheel.
Resize element 2 to 30%, paste at the bottom above the saddle.
Resize element 72 to 35%, paste at the upper right on the building.
Resize element 61 to 30%, paste on the bottom left.

Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Always readjust your mask and elements how you like them before you
 merge your tag, resize, sharpen.

Crop your tag to be sure no shadows or lines are on the edges.
 Then add your copyright and name.
That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut

Lizzy tag  

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