*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new image 800 x 800 or a size you prefer.
I always fill with white and delete the white layer at the end.
Paste paper 9, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Erase the big star at the bottom, duplicate, flip.
Paste the negative film strip, duplicate twice, move one up and the other down,
merge the three together.
Click inside all the squares, expand by 2, paste paper 7, invert, delete, keep
selected. Resize your tube to 50%, paste on the left below the film strips so
the bottle shows 2021, delete, select none.
Duplicate the tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 4, change
the blend mode to Overlay or one you prefer.
Resize your tube to 25%, paste above the film strips and to the right more,
duplicate go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian blur, number on 4,
change the blend mode to Soft Light or one you prefer.
Paste fireworks sparkles at the upper left below the mask layer, duplicate, mirror.
Next paste the fireworks above those, duplicate, mirror.
I used a dark blue drop shadow for these.
Paste the confetti at the upper left, duplicate, mirror, duplicate both, flip,
adjust at the bottom.
Paste the balloons above the mask layer at the top.
Paste wordart 1 at the top left, duplicate, change the blend mode to multiply,
merge down, apply a fat white gradient glow.
Paste the star spiral at the upper right above the fireworks, duplicate, mirror.
Resize the deco to 50%, paste at the lower right above the tube.
Paste wordart 2 on top of that layer.
Paste the rose, mirror, move to the right behind the tube, duplicate,
free rotate to the left at 90 degrees, flip, move to the bottom below the tube layer.
Erase any stem showing from the first rose.
Resize polishes to 35%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Resize the flower to 20%, paste down by the polish.
Resize the zipped heart to 20%, free rotate to the left at 15 degrees, paste
behind the polish to the left.
Resize fireworks to 30%, free rotate to the left at 20 degrees, paste at the upper left,
duplicate, move over a little.
Duplicate one, mirror, move behind the tube on the right.
Resize the candle to 50%, paste behind the champagne glasses.
Paste the lights at the bottom above the tube layer.
Resize the rose boa to 40%, paste at the lower left above the flower.
Resize the blow horn to 40%, paste at the lower left.
Resize the purse to 40%, paste on the arm of the tube and erase the strap.
Resize the heels to 40%, paste at the lower left above the flower, duplicate, mirror,
move the shoe back by the other one.
Paste sparkle 2 to the left above the tube.