*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new image 800 x 800, select all, paste paper 13 into selection, apply your mask,
delete, merge group.
Resize frame 1 to 60%, paste, click inside with your magic wand, expand by 5,
paste paper 9, invert, delete, keep selected, resize your tube to 85%, paste
a little to the right, delete, select none.
Duplicate the tube, go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, number on 5, change the
blend mode to Screen. Apply the filter Screen Works-Light Gauze.
Resize element 70 to 35%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, first 3
numbers on, 20, 63, 63, move below the paper layer of the frame.
Resize your tube to 40%, paste on the frame on the left.
Resize element 81 to 75%, paste behind the tube on the left.
Paste element 69 at the bottom under the tube, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 70 to 65%, paste at the bottom under the tube.
Resize element 7 to 30%, paste at the lower right above the tube.
Resize element 21 to 25%, paste at the lower left above the tube.
Resize element 1 to 35%, paste on the right above the tube.
Resize element 6 to 30%, paste at the bottom by the hat.
Resize element 11 to 15%, paste at the bottom by the bear, duplicate, free
rotate to the left at 20, paste below the first gingerbread.
Resize element 9 to 15%, paste at the bottom in front of the bear.
Resize element 36 to 10%, paste at the bottom.
Resize element 45 to 30%, free rotate to the right at 20, paste on the right below
the greenery.
Resize element 38 and 39 to 20%, paste on the lower right below the greenery,
rotate one 90 degrees, place how you like.
Resize element 18 to 40%, paste between the ornaments at the lower right, duplicate,
mirror, move back by the other candy cane and down a little.
Resize element 68 to 25%, paste on the wordart sign at the top.
Resize element 15 to 15%, paste on the ribbon, duplicate, resize to 75%, move down.
Resize element 50 to 15%, paste under the heart cookies on the left.
Resize element 47 to 25%, free rotate to the left at 20, paste below the heart cookies.
Resize element 19 to 10%, paste at the lower left below the gingerbread cookies.
Resize element 14 to 20%, paste behind the bear.
Resize element 31 to 25%, paste at the bottom.
Duplicate the bells, move below and to the right of the snow globe.
Resize element 28 to 20%, free rotate to the right at 20, paste below the dog layer.
Resize element 41 to 20%, paste below the toy behind the dog, duplicate, move to the
left behind the tube.
Resize element 43 to 25%, paste to the right below the dog, duplicate, move to
the left behind the tube.
Resize element 90 to 50%, erase some at the lower left, paste on the tree behind the
tube, erase the parts on the face of the other tube.