Thursday, November 23, 2023

FTU The Magic of Winter


 This tut was written November 23rd, 2023 for those with a basic knowledge of psp.

I am using the awesome artwork of ©Goldwasser
The tube is called Daenaera
You need a license to use this tube, please do not use without a license.
You can find this tube at Goldwasser store HERE

I used PSP2020...but any of them should work.
FTU Scrap Heaven and Nature Sing by Raspberry Road Designs HERE  
You will have to register at the store to get the kit.
Mask of choice, I used DBV Mask 3  HERE
Check out the rest of the blog HERE

Font of choice I used Reindeer Christmas

Drop shadow is V -2 H -4, 50, 10, Black or use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*

"This is a quickie"

Open a new image, size 800 x 800, resize paper 4 to 20%, apply your mask,
Resize paper 1 to 25%, apply the mask, free rotate to the right at 45.
Resize both mask large to fit the tag better.

Resize element 2 to 30%, paste, draw around the frame, resize paper 3
to 20%, paste, invert, delete.
Resize element 1 to 15%, paste on the frame on the left, duplicate, mirror.

Resize your tube to 55%, paste below the frame, duplicate, move above
the frame, erase the bottom part.

Resize element 14 to 30%, paste on the frame at the bottom.
Resize element 7 to 13%, paste on the sign on the left, erase the stem,
duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 10 to 12%, paste on the pine cone on the left, duplicate,
Resize element 12 to 12%, paste below the pine cone on the right,
duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 11 to 12%, paste at the upper left behind the frame, duplicate,
mirror, duplicate again, move to the top.
Resize element 13 to 25%, paste on the right, add a fat white gradient glow.
Resize element 19 to 25%, paste, check the sides to erase.
Resize element 3 to 5%, paste on the leaf, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 16 to 15%, flip, paste at the bottom right below the pine cone,
duplicate, mirror, duplicate again, free rotate to the right at 90, move
to the bottom of the frame, duplicate, mirror.

Resize element 21 to 15%, paste on the right up, duplicate, move down,
duplicate again, mirror to the left.
Resize element 17 to 15%, paste at the bottom left above the mask layer, 
duplicate, mirror.

Add any other elements you like, once happy, add your name
and copyright.
Crop your tag to be sure no stray shadows or lines or on the edges.

That's it

Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.