I am using the awesome artwork of Alehandra Vanhek
The tube is "Siren"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this art at PFD Store HERE
I used PSPX...but any of them should work.
Font of choice, I used Charming Normal
Drop shadow is usually V-2 H-2 Black, 50, 5, use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new image 800 x 800
Paste paper 4, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Paste element 43, click inside with your magic wand, expand by 5, paste
paper 13, invert, delete, keep selected, paste the close up, delete, select none.
Resize your tube to 40%, paste on the right on the frame.
Resize element 132 to 40%, paste behind the tube at the upper right.
Resize element 25 to 30%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, first number
on 18, move below the paper layer of the frame, take your Pick tool to fit it
better behind the frame and move up, duplicate, move down.
Resize element 23 to 25%, paste on the frame on the left, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 70 to 40%, paste on the left above the flower, duplicate, mirror,
move below the tube on the right.
Resize element 128 to 40%, paste at the bottom to help hide the straight edge of
the legs.
Resize element 72 to 35%, paste under the flower on the left, duplicate, move down and above the flower closer to the box, duplicate, mirror, move below the flower on the right.
Resize element 60 to 45%, paste below the box to the right more.
Resize element 6 to 35%, paste below the roses on the right that are laying flat.
Paste element 78 on the mask layer on the right, duplicate, mirror, adjust,
erase the top part on both.
Resize element 123 to 30%, paste on the lower right below the roses.
Resize element 99 to 15%, paste by the gift box.
Resize element 115 to 35%, paste at the bottom above the box to the right a little.
Resize element 69 to 25%, paste at the lower left.
Resize element 124 to 35%, paste at the lower left below the skulls.
Paste element 43, click inside with your magic wand, expand by 5, paste
paper 13, invert, delete, keep selected, paste the close up, delete, select none.
Resize your tube to 40%, paste on the right on the frame.
Resize element 132 to 40%, paste behind the tube at the upper right.
Resize element 25 to 30%, apply Mura Meister Copies-Encircle, first number
on 18, move below the paper layer of the frame, take your Pick tool to fit it
better behind the frame and move up, duplicate, move down.
Resize element 23 to 25%, paste on the frame on the left, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 70 to 40%, paste on the left above the flower, duplicate, mirror,
move below the tube on the right.
Resize element 128 to 40%, paste at the bottom to help hide the straight edge of
the legs.
Resize element 72 to 35%, paste under the flower on the left, duplicate, move down and above the flower closer to the box, duplicate, mirror, move below the flower on the right.
Resize element 60 to 45%, paste below the box to the right more.
Resize element 6 to 35%, paste below the roses on the right that are laying flat.
Paste element 78 on the mask layer on the right, duplicate, mirror, adjust,
erase the top part on both.
Resize element 123 to 30%, paste on the lower right below the roses.
Resize element 99 to 15%, paste by the gift box.
Resize element 115 to 35%, paste at the bottom above the box to the right a little.
Resize element 69 to 25%, paste at the lower left.
Resize element 124 to 35%, paste at the lower left below the skulls.
Add any other elements that you like, make your own.
Remember to always adjust all the elements how you like on your tag,
then resize your mask if needed before merging your tag.
Once happy, close off any background you had.
Crop your tag to get rid of any stray edges, merge visible.
Resize, sharpen, add your Copyright and name.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.