This tut was written Nov 14th, 2019, for those with a basic knowledge of psp.
I am using the awesome artwork of Eskada
The tube is "Selesta"
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this tube at Art Content store HERE
Drop shadow is usually V-2 H-2 Black, 45, 10, use what you prefer.
Let's get started
*Remember to add your drop shadow as you go along*
Open a new layer 800 x 800
Paste paper 18, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Resize smaller to 95%.
Paste paper 19, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Take your pick tool, hold the shift key down and drag the top square down
on one side, then the other until flat, move to the bottom.
Resize your tube to 30%, paste.
Paste element 150 below the tube to the right, take your free hand tool
and draw a straight line on the deer to fit at the edge of the frame
on the right.
Paste element 98 in the frame behind the deer.
Paste element 107 on the left behind the tube.
Paste element 45 on top of the tree.
Paste element 46 below the trees on the left.
Paste element 100 below the tube at the bottom right, duplicate, move above
the tube to the left.
Paste element 69 below the tree layer in the frame, duplicate, mirror, duplicate, flip,
duplicate, mirror, erase any stems showing.
Paste element 92 on the mask layer on the right.
Resize element 42 to 80%, paste at the lower left being on the top layer.
Resize element 39 to 40%, paste at the bottom below the deer, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 106 to 30%, paste at the lower right on the branch.
Resize element 1 to 30%, paste behind the dog, duplicate, move to the
center more between the fences, duplicate, mirror, adjust behind the deer.
Resize element 49 and 50 to 30%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Resize element 48 and 51 to 35%, paste at the bottom by the others.
Resize element 101 to 40%, paste at the bottom below the music player elements.
Resize element 88 to 50%, paste at the lower right below the branch behind the dog.
Paste element 104 under the branch under the deer, duplicate, mirror, adjust under
the branch the dog is on.
Paste element 99 on the frame layer at the bottom, duplicate, move to the upper
left below the tube.
Resize element 144 to 15%, paste below the deer at the lower left, duplicate,
mirror, move behind the music bear, duplicate, move under the dog.
Resize element 43 to 40%, paste on the frame on the right above the tube, duplicate,
mirror, move below the tube.
Resize smaller to 95%.
Paste paper 19, apply your mask, delete, merge group.
Take your pick tool, hold the shift key down and drag the top square down
on one side, then the other until flat, move to the bottom.
Resize your tube to 30%, paste.
Paste element 150 below the tube to the right, take your free hand tool
and draw a straight line on the deer to fit at the edge of the frame
on the right.
Paste element 98 in the frame behind the deer.
Paste element 107 on the left behind the tube.
Paste element 45 on top of the tree.
Paste element 46 below the trees on the left.
Paste element 100 below the tube at the bottom right, duplicate, move above
the tube to the left.
Paste element 69 below the tree layer in the frame, duplicate, mirror, duplicate, flip,
duplicate, mirror, erase any stems showing.
Paste element 92 on the mask layer on the right.
Resize element 42 to 80%, paste at the lower left being on the top layer.
Resize element 39 to 40%, paste at the bottom below the deer, duplicate, mirror.
Resize element 106 to 30%, paste at the lower right on the branch.
Resize element 1 to 30%, paste behind the dog, duplicate, move to the
center more between the fences, duplicate, mirror, adjust behind the deer.
Resize element 49 and 50 to 30%, paste at the bottom being on the top layer.
Resize element 48 and 51 to 35%, paste at the bottom by the others.
Resize element 101 to 40%, paste at the bottom below the music player elements.
Resize element 88 to 50%, paste at the lower right below the branch behind the dog.
Paste element 104 under the branch under the deer, duplicate, mirror, adjust under
the branch the dog is on.
Paste element 99 on the frame layer at the bottom, duplicate, move to the upper
left below the tube.
Resize element 144 to 15%, paste below the deer at the lower left, duplicate,
mirror, move behind the music bear, duplicate, move under the dog.
Resize element 43 to 40%, paste on the frame on the right above the tube, duplicate,
mirror, move below the tube.
Add any other elements that you like, make your own.
Remember to always adjust all the elements how you like on your tag,
then resize your mask if needed before merging your tag.
Once happy, close off any background you had.
Crop your tag to get rid of any stray edges, merge visible.
Resize, sharpen, add your Copyright and name.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.
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